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08-86 17 03

When you want to buy or sell a business

Buying or selling a business is a challenging task that requires careful preparation. A business is transferred either by purchasing the contents of the business or by taking over the shares in the business.

The advantage of buying the shares is that all contracts are included in the purchase without having to be renegotiated. In cases where there are future claims associated with the company or other aspects that the buyer does not wish to take over, all or part of the assets and liabilities in the business are transferred.

If you buy the shares in a company, you take over all the rights and obligations associated with the company.

If you take over a business, in other words on the transfer of shares or on the transfer of assets and liabilities, the obligations to the employees are included in the purchase.

The buyer must examine the business carefully as the buyer is responsible for anything that could have been detected through a careful examination. The seller may provide guarantees that make the seller responsible for the accuracy of the information provided about the business.

A business transfer agreement is drawn up, in which responsibility is divided between the buyer and the seller and the terms of the transfer are also agreed upon.

If you are looking to buy or sell a business, we can help you with preparations, advice, examination of the business, negotiations and drawing up business transfer documents.

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The initial consultation is always free of charge

08-86 17 03