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If the product or service is not up to scratch

A private individual who buys something from a company has good protection against poor-quality products and services. If a defect is found within six months of purchase, the product or service is considered faulty unless the company can show that the defect is the fault of the buyer.

Disputes between individuals and companies can be examined by the Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN). The dispute is examined solely on the basis of the documents and most companies will comply with the Board’s decision. If the company fails to comply with the decision, the dispute can be settled in the district court, where the decision of the Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes is considered strong evidence.

If you make a purchase from someone who is not representing a company or if a company buys from another company, you must examine the product carefully. The buyer is responsible for defects that could have been detected through a careful examination of the product. If the seller states that the product is not faulty but it nevertheless proves to be faulty, the seller is responsible for the defect.

Our lawyers are experienced in pursuing disputes about purchases in court. Contact us if you need any help with this.

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The initial consultation is always free of charge

08-86 17 03