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How an estate inventory is drawn up

One of the parties to the estate is appointed estate reporter and determines the contents of the estate. The parties to the estate also appoint two estate officers, such as lawyers or other third parties who do not have an interest in the estate. The estate officers convene an estate inventory meeting, where they present a proposed estate inventory and provide information about the existence of any will.

The parties to the estate can read the will and then approve or decide not to approve it. If the will is not approved, it must be contested at the district court within six months. Otherwise, the will shall apply even if it is wrong.

Only those parties to the estate who contest the will are able to see the outcome of any change to the will.

If the parties to the estate are unable to reach agreement, one of them can apply for the appointment of an estate administrator. This application must be made to the district court where the deceased was registered in the population register. The district court then appoints a lawyer who is given the task of examining the estate. If necessary, the estate administrator can make decisions on the distribution of the estate against the will of the parties to the estate.

If there are no assets in the estate, or if the debts exceed the assets, there will be no distribution. Outstanding debts are not taken over by the survivors on the distribution of the estate.

More information about estate inventories can be found at If you have any questions or need help, our lawyers are at your service.

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